Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Orlando Feb 2 - Feb 5, 2025

Orlando Feb 2 - Feb 5, 2025

Friday / Saturday:

This year Matt had his first back to back conferences, San Francisco followed by Orlando. He wasn't fond on going home between for only 2 days. Since San Fran is so close to San Diego, where James is, he made a compromise with me. He agreed for me to go to Orlando if I would be okay with him skipping coming home for two days to instead visit James. That plan worked for me! I got to chaperone Greta's sleepover with 3 other almost 13 year olds. She likes it when I chaperone because I don't police her midnight snacks, since I'm already in bed! I think the girls (Lucy, Gracyn, Sophia, and Greta) maybe went to bed at 2 or 2:30AM? No worries Greta didn't have a hockey game the next day, just practice and babysitting. I packed my bags for Orlando with a plan to be out the door at 5:15 AM the next morning. Wilson got dropped off at Susan's the night before.


I decided to go the easiest route to O'Hare, Van Galder from Dutch Mill Park and ride. Fortunately the amount of flurries that morning was small, not enough to delay our arrival. I flew Frontier direct to Orlando. On the flight the lady behind me had a panic attack while landing. She starting singing really loud…in Spanish. Once I felt the first ray of Flordia sun, I was in heaven. I caught an Uber to our hotel, Castle Hotel. Matt was supposed to arrive at 11pm. He unfortunately didn't get in until nearly 2am. I decided to run once I got to my hotel. I ran to Whole Foods. I found a cute pond to run around away from some of the busy Orlando traffic. I walked the 1.5 miles back and chilled in the room watching Julia Robert's movie where she travels the globe doing meditation retreats….meanwhile finding love along the way. At 8pm I watched the Disney fireworks from our rooftop and went to bed soon thereafter.


This morning I skipped my morning run to instead do errands via uber with Matt. We hit a UPS store and then went to his conference hotel, The Rosen. The property was gorgeous! We ended up eating breakfast there in the grab and go cafe. I had the most amazing dragon fruit, pineapple, lime, coconut juice. He had to be on his way so I walked the nature loop on the property. Alligator beware signs were up. Fortunately no sightings! I wish I could have ran on the paved trail but unfortunately I may have been run over by the golf carts. I next made my way to Publix for snacks before noon yoga at YogaMix in downtown Orlando. Trail mix, and cold brew. Unfortunately I chugged a bit too much cold brew and got a little light headed at my class. My uber driver to my class was real sweet. She was all of 30 years old, just moved here from San Diego. She said she had a dream that God told her it was time to move. So she got in her car and drive to Orlando with no plan. She joined a church here right away, found her roomates, and soon thereafter began nannying and driving uber. She said she hopes to find her husband here. I told her to join E-harmony. My yoga class was super chill. We did a flow class. 4 of us ladies participated. When the class was over the instructor asked if I would be around for puppy yoga coming up. Unfortunately not—-but that sounds like fun. Right after my class I headed next door for lunch at a cafe. I had an amazing gluten free turkey wrap with basil pesto and avocado. It fueled me for my walk around Lake Eola and around downtown Orlando. Unfortunately the swan paddle boats were closed on Mondays….knowing me, I would have rented on. I next found Orlando's best creamery. I had a vegan almond ice cream. Super yummy. I was ready for a break after that so I ubered back to my hotel for chilling and a shower. Around 4pm I took my usual running route back to Whole foods and around the lake 2 times. I finished with dinner at Whole Foods. Can't beet the salad bar and yummy kombuchas!! I walked back to my hotel and watched Sex in the city until 8pm fireworks on the rooftop. Matt retuned soon thereafter and we hit the sack.


This morning I decided to rent a car from SIXT from a nearby hotel. I rented for 24 hrs . I had a decent breakfast (egg whites, berries, overnight oats, green tea and honey) at our hotel to fuel my adventures and headed out. I was super excited to see my rental, a mini cooper!! I drove 60 miles east to Merritt island where I rented my kayak for 60 minutes. I wasn't sure what I'd see since it was foggy, but honestly that made the adventure intriging. I didn't end up seeing dolphins or sting rays, but I did see jumping fish. Noelle called me while out there, her ring scared the crap out of me, "bong". It was nice to catch up with her. After my kayak adventure I headed south to cocoa beach. I found a nice strip of sandy beach and ran a good 50 minutes. It felt so good with the sun beaming in my eyes, the sound of the waves crashing in, and the salt of the ocean coating my skin. After my run I found a Açaí juice shop and had the most amazing drink, ABC coco (apple, beet, carrot, coconut water, ginger juice). While sipping my heavenly drink I enjoyed the airconditioned shop while browsing holistic magazines. I know I next needed to find a way to charge my phone or I wasn't going to make it home. Fortunately 7-11 gas stations are at every other corner. I found a car charger adapter and sighed in relief knowing GPS would get me back to the hotel. That hour home reminded me why working out and adventures are so releasing for me…I felt like a million dollars completing my little adventure. Once back to my hotel, Matt was sleeping in our room. He had to skip today. The night prior he pucked, he got a flu bug. I showed up and headed to Trader Joe's. Matt needed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I needed a salmon salad with avocado and blueberries. We sat in our room watching the Big Bang theory and Friends until it was time to crash.


This morning all I could think about was the overnight oats at our hotel…I had such a headache. My smoked wild Alaska sockeye salmon was way too salty from last night. After Matt showered up and headed to the conference I had my breakfast and then went out for a 45 min out and back run. I headed South on universal drive. It was little less congested and more shaded. Once to the room, I showed, packed and headed to our restaurants Starbucks for a coconut iced chai to sip on while journaling and waiting for my final uber. I'm flying Spirit home, direct flight. I hope to catch the 5pm Van Galder back to Dutch Mill. Hopefully I can pick up Fizzy and Wilson by 8pm tonight.

This was a very relaxing trip—-or my version of relaxing. I needed a little adventure and sunshine. Boy does that reset me. Thank you Matt for letting me go. I hope this flu bug is over real soon!

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