Saturday, August 14, 2021

Maui summer vacation Aug 6 - Aug 15, 2021

Maui summer vacation Aug 6 - Aug 15, 2021

This year we chose a vacation for our family that was at the same time as a CME trip for myself. MER conferences hosted one of the internal medicine conferences in Maui this year. You can't beat Maui! Wilson stayed back with Kelly and the boys. Actually he got to go to our RV in Minocqua! We left for O'Hare after I finished work on Friday. We stayed at a hotel right by the airport. Greta and I went for a little walk when we got there. There wasn't much to see, so we got us some ice cream from the snack shop and hit the sack.

I woke up at 4 AM to run on the treadmill. It actually felt good to break a sweat. I don't usually sweat running outside in Stoughton. Our flight departed pretty early this Saturday morning. We had a layover in Los Angeles. Because our first flight was a bit delayed our layover was only two minutes. They held the flight for us. Poor Greta nearly died after a snobby lady in a sun hat yelled at her for accidentally bumping her seat. We landed in Maui a little bit after noon. Today is one of those days where you eat seven meals. We had just enough time to stop at a grocery store after grabbing some fuel. Our first restaurant was a cute Mexican place (Freida's Mexican beach house) right on the ocean in Lahaina. We sat next to a couple who had a little boy that looked just like James would have at age 5. He had a cute bowl cut hairdo. His father looked like a surfer dude. He and dad chatted away. They were from California. Next we hit Safeway to buy our groceries… nearly $600. Matt was flabbergasted! I reminded him that eating out would be much more expensive!! We drove to our place in Lahaina. We rented a 2 bedroom VBRO on the ocean. It had a pool…but not much more than that. After staying the week we decided we'd prefer staying more on the north west side of the island…like in Kapalua. Once to our place Matt and Noelle crashed pretty early. Greta and I swam in the pool and ocean and got our first sunset photos.

This morning Matt and I hoped in our car and drove up to my favorite trail to run…the Kapalua Costal Trail. Matt came with me this morning. We went 60 minutes…it felt awesome to run off the jet lag. Once to our resort we decided to go to the north side of the island to find our secret tide pool (the Nakalele Blowhole). We didn't go all the way down….only the foolish do….the tide can quickly change and pull you in. Next we drove the scenic hair pin turns to Twin Falls. We swam under the falls and cliff jumped. We all jumped the smaller one and only dad and Noelle jumped the taller one. I felt sick watching people jump the tall one. If you didn't point your toes and keep pencil straight your landing could hurt! Afterwards we got coconut glens ice cream and headed back to our VBRO. I showered up and headed to the first day of my conference at the Westin Maui Resort and Spa in Kaanapali. They offered attendance on site or remotely from your phone. Afterwards we dressed up and went to one of Westin Maui's oceanfront restaurants. We enjoyed the music entertainment…a young dark skinned fella playing guitar and singing new age. Our meals were amazing too!! Afterwards we hit an ABC store for a few essentials and made our way back to our VBRO.

Today I decided to run along the road…really not so interesting. All future runs after today I planned to go to the Kapalua Costal Trail. After breakfast in the room we decided to start with the beach. We used our VBRO's boogie boards and went to Honokahua Bay. We stopped at the Honolua Store for a few beach essentials. I found the most amazing Vitalitea locally Brewed Maui Kombucha Strawberry Sunrise. The kids got their candy fix. After a good 90 minutes in the sun boogie boarding….Matt had torched his balding head and said "enough sun time for me!" We made our way to "The Burger Shack" and had some lunch. The girls each ordered the largest, creamiest, most sugar loaded milk shakes on this planet! Dad had the hottest fish tacos he has ever tasted. The stream was escaping his ears! The annoying chickens decided to steal Matt's fries….he then decided to fight them by screaming and throwing another fry at them. Not such a great plan since they were now even more interested in us. We next headed to our VBRO for some chill time. Greta and I attempted making Guava bread, only we used cherries, mango, banana, and strawberries. Not like the big island's:(. Our day ended with movies in the VBRO and a little yoga for myself.

Matt joined me again this morning on the coastal run. It misted on us this morning. Mist in Hawaii doesn't amount to much. We cut our run short so we could get back and get ready for our road trip to Hana. Noelle was our backseat music dj jockey. Dad drove. Our first stop was coconut glens. They now have spiced up the coconut ice creams…ginger lemon coconut, chocolate coconut, and mystery coconut and the classics plain coconut. I still like plain best. We next headed to the Black Sand Beach but discovered we needed a reservation. Whoops! Instead we hit a food truck for lunch and made our way to the Pipiwau hike. A 4 mile round trip hike through a bamboo forest to the 400 foot Waimoko Falls. Well we almost made it there…turned around 1/2 a mile away. Matt says it best…"it is best not to push it when patience is running low". We were able to get to the infamous bamboo boardwalk and witnesses the not so great smell of rotting mangos. We made the way back by going the south side of Maui. Matt wasn't so sure our car could do the off road but we made it just fine. We enjoyed the hills that took our stomaches away and the goat spotting that Greta was amazing at. Once back we chilled watching movies and hit the sack.

This morning I enjoyed another coastline run and morning smoothie. Afterwards we convinced the kids to come check out the Kapalua Costal Trail. After getting a bit too much sun we all craved liquids so we stopped at Napili's Farmers Market. We chilled at he VBRO for awhile and then decided to go to the Maui Brewing company for a late lunch. Afterwards we headed to Haleakala Volcano for the sunset. Wow…was that amazing!!! We haven't seen anything like that before!! That made a full day….once back to our VBRO we crashed!

After my coastal run we chilled until our surfing lessons. We close to do a lesson since none of us really have ever surfed. Our instructor was all of 24 and had been surfing since he was 4. He used to compete. Now he does lessons year round and does free lance writing on the side. Surfing rocks! We all made it up. Greta even figured out how to travel down the wave. Next time we are in Maui we are renting boards and going daily!! It is a work out…paddling back out takes a lot of arm power. After surfing today we decided to all have a chill day. I ventured out and did some shopping….browsing at GNC alone was all I needed to reset. That and some yoga and dumb bell lifting in the room. Matt and Noelle enjoyed their books and Greta started a project of drawing her designer home. We ended to day with a movie and hit the sack early.

This morning after my coastline run, Matt and I ventured out looking for a surf shirt for our upcoming snorkeling adventure. Afterwards I convinced Matt to come with me to a little jungle hike just north of the Ritz. The smell of rotting mangos, Matt's portapotty experience of finding crap up the inside wall of his portapotty and the over crowded beach didn't keep us here long. We then headed to the west central side of Maui to catch our 1pm snorkel. Our catamaran held too many people for our families liking. Unfortunately I didn't research enough to find us a smaller one. We did enjoy our pulled pork sandwiches, and Maui salt and vinegar potato chips. Oh…and the snorkeling was great! I swam with a turtle. Our venture back to our dock was a windy one….reminded me of Gilligan's island. Only we were on a 4 hour tour. After our salty adventure we craved ice cream. We stopped near the Banyan tree while eating our amazing ice cream and repeatedly yelling at Greta to stop climbing the trees! Afterwards we watched movies, did yoga, and lifted weights until lights out.

My final coastline run was just as beautiful as every other day. We had to pack up today. 10am we departed our VBRO. We stopped at a fruit market and Target before going to the airport. Unfortunately I had to wait in a crazy long line to get through security. Matt claims it is because I carry a bad wrap of carrying things I shouldn't in my carry on. The rest of the gang walked right through because they were pre check. Come to find out it didn't matter because our flight was delayed. We had to change our flight to fly through Denver….which meant chilling in the airport for 6 hrs! At least I got caught up with the journal! And Matt and Noelle their books and Greta her future home drawings.

Our trip was a blast. Would we do it again? You bet! Next time we would stay in a nicer VBRO more north of where we were and south of The Ritz. We also would have reserved surf boards for the week. Greta asked if I can bring her again to the place we have gone before….the Westin on the west central side of the island. You bet I would!

Until next time! Aloha!

Sent from my iPhone

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